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[WW] Draka and Weird Wars?

((A slightly adapted repost from something of mine on
the Deadland’s list.))


I was rereading some books the other weekend and
ripped through the Draka series by S. M. Stirling. The
series is an alternate timeline where things went
differently in 1770’s. For a very quick overview of
the initial changes go here: 
http://www.gpfn.sk.ca/~geis/draka/divergence.html  For
a much more indepth look go here:

Science and technology are vastly accelerated in this
alternate timeline. For example: “1872 Steam turbine
perfected by Alexandrian Technological Institute.
First rigid dirigibles. Archona and Alexandria become
first cities to establish telephone networks. Uraguay
and Paraguay annexed by Empire of Brazil. Columbia,
Venezuela, and Ecuador establish Republic of Grand
Columbia. Australasian Federation unites Australia,
New Zealand. Electric lighting.”

Now, after reading the novels and having a good time
doing it, I put some thought into combining the Weird
Wars/Draka timelines slightly. Given the Draka
experiments in wormholes in the last novel it wouldn’t
be too much of a stretch to dump them into the Weird
Wars universe (while sternly ignoring any flashbacks
to the Harry Turtledove novel concerning the American
Civil War and AK-47 equipped South African time
travelers) or just by relating the Draka culture to
the time period each game happens to be set in.

Magic would be a concern that would have to be
addressed. Rather than the cop out of it merely being
advanced technology misidentified, I’d rather just
include the concept into the game. Magic just kind of
works if done right. For example – rituals, relics,
and strange beasties.

A Draka slant could be introduced into any of the
Weird Wars eras (not that they were much of anything
during the War of Insurrection but they could play a
part in the American Civil War and so on down the time

Has anyone else read the series and had a bit of a
ponder? I suppose Draka could be created under a High
Man style Human Race or some equivalent. 


"Morituri Nolumus Mori" - We who are about to die don't want to.

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