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Re: [werewolf] end game stalemate, even number of players mode=day

On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 02:04:47PM -0700, Lyman Hurd wrote:
> I agree.  "Hang 'em both" is well within the spirit of
> the game :-).

Not me.  It may be in the spirit of the game (*) but I prefer . . .

On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 12:13:15PM -0700, Lyman Hurd wrote:
> How about:
> The lack of a daytime resolution brings on the night. 
> This solution has the effect of being realistic (while
> you were arguing you started noticing hair growing on
> the back of your neighbor's hands...).

. . . this one.  If a tie is not resolved in "x amount" of time, the day ends with no hanging.  Or, set "x amount" to zero.  If the final voter of the day causes or leaves a tie situation, the day ends.

Much easier to program/explain/document.  This is the natural consequence.  

(*) we seem to have two camps in werewolf.  One is the "play the game like you mean it" camp.  The other is the "this game is hilarious, but meaningless" camp.  Although I flirt with the former, I'm a committed member of the latter.  I would hope nobody quits 
the game just because the village can be a bit stupid.   I get my world-domination jollies in risque and mhearts and play werewolf for the humor more than anything.