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Re: [werewolf] end game stalemate, even number of players mode=day

--- Mark Ballinger <mballinger@ballinger.cx> wrote:

> Much easier to program/explain/document.  This is
> the natural consequence.  

Obviously I agree (hence suggesting it in the first
place :-)).
> (*) we seem to have two camps in werewolf.  One is
> the "play the game like you mean it" camp.  The
> other is the "this game is hilarious, but
> meaningless" camp.  Although I flirt with the
> former, I'm a committed member of the latter.  I
> would hope nobody quits 
> the game just because the village can be a bit
> stupid.   I get my world-domination jollies in
> risque and mhearts and play werewolf for the humor
> more than anything.
I think there's a substantial middle ground, I am just
afraid we're scaring people out of it.  I think one
can enjoy the exchanges and some exercise of logic at
the same time!

I am sorrowed by the fact that the illusionist (one of
my favorite roles even though I don't think I've ever
been one!) has led people to the conclusion that while
there is a small chance that we don't firmly "know"
what we think we know, that all bets are off and the
whole game is completely random.

On the other hand, we have had a backlash against some
successful tactics such that now the votes take
forever and everyone is more afraid of being
identified as the first person to do something stupid
rather than just having fun.  I even miss the
probabilities that used to be kicked about and I
always appreciated reading the voting records (as long
as nobody knows that I am usually too lazy to check
their conclusions and therefore could easily be

Have we abandoned hope on innovations to speed the
game?  It has often taken just a few slow night actors
to bring things to a crawl.  Also we seem to have
collectively abandoned "fast" voting since it is easy
for the bad guys to push bandwagons over the edge. 
However, as we have demonstrated that things are ina 
kind of a drought for the bad guys anyway, I fail to
see this as necessarily bad!  I also think that mafia
definitely added spice and am sorry that we've drifted
away from them.  And I have always held, masons good,
seermessage bad :-) (okay, less good).

Don't anyone give up hope!

