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Re: [DL] Wow moment and amusing moment from last night's game.

> Where and what are those new explosion rules, anyway? My local game store
hasn't gotten anything new for Deadlands since Xmas, so I am sort falling
behind here.

They're in Iron Oasis for HOE. I included them in The Agency as optional for
Deadlands (at the printer), so if you've not seen them don't lose any sleep.

Anyway, in a nutshell, an explosion does its full damage to 1d6 hit
locations. So dynamite does 3d20 to 1d6 hit locations, and a location can be
hit more than once this way. Now, for every burst radius after the first,
subtract 1 from the 1d6 for hit locations, and lower the die type by one (as
usual). It is possible to take no damage due to this reduction (i.e., at 2
burst radii away, you roll 1d6-2 and get a 0 or -1).
