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Re: [DL] Agency/Ghost Busters

> Ghost Busters seems, well, OK.  I suppose I say "OK" cuz it deals with
> someone that I am really, really REALLY getting tired of.


I suspect it's the real villain and not the apparent one, correct?

I feared that was the case after I saw Canyon O' Doom and the involvement of
the same person there. There's a method to the appearance in this
adventure--and the next two as well. We'd originally wanted to title the
series "GC1878," and those of you who should know what I mean (i.e.,
Marshals who've read the adventure), can probably guess what that stands
for. There was a grand scheme to tie the minis game with the RPG with the
CCG, which, due to the hiatus of the mins game (and subsequent name change),
is now down to the RPG and CCG, but with a plotline involving...well, you
know who. :-)

The gist of the series of adventures is fairly well summed up in the Story
So Far... It details our over-exposed personage's attempt to destabilize a
certain region. Ghost Busters targets the prominent Union agency, Rain o'
Terror follows up on a political plot mentioned in Ghost Busters, and Dead
Presidents culminates with the weakening of the closest foe.

Hopefully, I've not blown the cover of anything to those lowdown varmints
reading past the SPOILER warning.

Be assured the driving force of the series _will_ be taking a back seat for
a while following Dead Presidents. However, I'm rather pleased with the way
the adventures shape up, as they allow the posse to take action to redress
certain wrongs--but don't necessarily thwart the _real_ danger...

John Goff