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[DL] Buying Habits

Well, as far as books go, I have to preface this remark by mentioning that
I am not a typical gamer in that respect; I buy LOADS of product (easily
$2-3,000 per year), which goes into a few categories (and places in my

1. Stuff I want, and know I'll need/benefit from in a game I'm involved in
or planning soon.
2. Stuff I don't expect to need any time soon, but might someday and it
looks mighty nifty (I tend to follow certain lines of games, or writers
within, just as I avoid others for the same reason).
3. Stuff I kow darned well I'll never use, but looks intriguing.
4. Stuff I know I'll regret buying, but I'm in the gaming store, money
burning a hole, and I haven't found anything more appealing.  I have poor
impulse control, I admit it.

Of that whacking lot, some of category 2, about 2/3 of category 3, and all
of category 4 either get 'permanently loaned' to friends, or recycled (sold
off at FLGS) each time I move, or when shelf space gets so limited that my
fiancee is considering using the stuff to light the gas stove.

All that said, when I run a game (Deadlands springs immediately to mind, as
does Ars Magica, since I'm running those two right now, and Delta Green,
because I'm considering running it), here's how I think/encourage players:

In Deadlands, I heartily encourage people to get the players' book (I lost
my 1st Ed when I moved, and so since I am using my leatherbound, I do NOT
loan it lightly, and besides, since the marshal's stuff is in there too, I
NEED it often), and any supplements relating to their characters.  Most f
my players do so (one is broke these days).  Same sort of approach that
used to prevail in AD&D (you really do need your own players handbook,
after all).

In Ars Magica, which is an elegant but way intricate game, I INSIST that
players get their own copy, and preferably the Grimoire ('players' guide'
for all intents and purposes).  Everyone has, but that one guy (and his
repeated requests to borrow will eventually get him shot, so I suspect
he'll get his soon).

As for Delta Green, I don't want the players going anywhere NEAR the books.
 I catch 'em, I'll hang 'em (etc.)!  But that is a game predicated on an
unusually high level of secrecy and paranoia after all...

Hope this helps,
Ross Coburn