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Re: [DL] 2-Gun Kid

> Okay, slightly off topic, but I gotta ask.  Is this
> usual???  We have -never- had a problem with players
> getting bored while combats taking a long time, and
> yes they sometime take a while.  Is this common, do
> lots of people just wander off or something?

I don't know about boredom, but there are 1 or 2 players who are
often missing from the table because they've gone outside for a
smoking break.  Some enabler or other tends to make their quickness
rolls and draw cards for them, then they wander back in with even
more diminished attention spans.  I'm not the Marshal, so it's not up
to me to do anything about it ... but when we start on HOE, I *will*
be.  Does anyone have suggestions for handling a player who probably
shouldn't be in such a game in the first place but always shows up
because he has no life and can't stand to miss *anything*?  I don't
think I can apply any sanctions that are toooo blunt, because I'm the
newcomer in this group, having known the rest of them only 8 years or
so, while they mostly went to high school together.

                                Netse Ôhtsevehâtse