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Re: [DL] Canada prices (Shane or John)

> Now, that last paragraph is merely supposition--I know nothing about how
> overseas distribution works. But I can dream...

So? Then these must be nightmares!-), at least when speaking of local game
For oversea products there seam to be no standard prices. As an example, my
local store, having almost the monopol for RPGs around here sells the D&D3 for
70 DM(~35$), whereas my online store (and the cheapest I know) sells it for 38
DM (~18$ <---NO JOKE!!!). One $ is definitely more then 2 DM.
Okay that online store is really cheap, but that local game store is REALLY
expensive. For Deadlands products the difference is not as big, but there is
still one.

...only to say something...



"And you can see thousands of red dragons in different colors!"