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[DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20010226

> > On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 09:02:32AM -0800, Marguerite Frey said:
> > > Thank you!  I can hear Marshal Black cringing from
> > > here.
> >
> >  Count yourself lucky that your Marshal lets you subscribe to this list. 
>If I ever found one of my players was pursuing any kind of interest in 
>Deadlands not directly supervised by me, there'd be anvils raining from the 
>skies (anvils being a traditional GM tool for punishing errant characters, 
>players who make bad jokes, players who don't pass the biscuits etc.)
> >
> >  Wishkah

To the Marshal that wrote the above you might be happier playing a game such 
as Dictators and Tyrants.  Get real.  My Marshal is responsible for my 
character(s) when I play the campain HE/SHE is running and when I am Marshal 
I am responsible for HIS/HER character(s) when they are playing the campaign 
I am running period.  Whatever else they pursue is of no intrest to me 
unless they want to include it in the campaign(and you can never have enough 
ideas). If they ask your opinion or ruling by all means give it to them but 
otherwise butt out.

(will get off my soapbox now)

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher 
a hog, conn a ship, design a
   building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, 
comfort the dying, take orders, give
  orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, 
pitch manure, program a computer,
                     cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
                            Specialization is for insects."
                               - Robert A. Heinlein -

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