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[DL] Players on the list?

> To the Marshal that wrote the above you might be happier playing a game
> as Dictators and Tyrants.  Get real.  My Marshal is responsible for my
> character(s) when I play the campain HE/SHE is running and when I am
> I am responsible for HIS/HER character(s) when they are playing the
> I am running period.  Whatever else they pursue is of no intrest to me
> unless they want to include it in the campaign(and you can never have
> ideas). If they ask your opinion or ruling by all means give it to them
> otherwise butt out.

Not everyone can keep player and character knowledge apart. I have always
asked my players to stay of this list. If I found out that any of them
actually were on the list, I would ask them to please unsubscribe. If they
stayed subscribed, I doubt there would be any sanctions (it might), but it
would mean that I would have to stop turning to the list for plot help. As
such, it would hurt my game. Also, it would only be a matter of time before
someone forgot the spoiler space, and I would never get reactions like

*Spoiler follows*

"And I always thought that Grimme was one of the good guys!" one of my
player exclaims as the group left the Rock. Next time, they will learn that
the fellow the rescued from the Rock actually DOES look like the fellow on
the cover of the main book, and he IS an evil S.O.B.!

Marshal Ole I. Stene
oleingva@ifi.ntnu - ICQ #67957926

             -Mors Principium Est-