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RE: [DL] Skitzos and Manitou? (was: Re: [HOE] harrowed and spirit fetter)

Well, if no one knew he should be pushing up daisies, they might just
assume this was another personality.

From the Harrowed's perspective, he also might assume those blackout
times as another personality being in control.

Or...depending on whether or not you think the MPD is is the brain
chemistry, or in the person's soul...if its physically in the brain
chemistry, it might screw with the Manitou's personality just as much.
Of course, now instead of having to deal with different aspects of bob,
you have to deal with different aspects of a terror-inducing psycopathic
spirit from the Deadlands


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net] On
Behalf Of Dirk
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 12:23 PM
To: hoe@gamerz.net; deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: [DL] Skitzos and Manitou? (was: Re: [HOE] harrowed and spirit

The message below got me thinking (run and hide if you want to...). What
would happen if someone with multiple personality disorder died and
became harrowed? Everyone get creative with this one, I'm thinking of
using it as a plot device.

Thanks in advance,


> >The hinderance refered to is Unfettered, IIRC.  UnLife's still good, 
> >just a little crowded with the deader, his AI, and his Manitou all 
> >fighting for a chance to drive...
> Bah, what's another set of voices to listen to inside the head...  
> They can scream along with the rest of 'em!!!  :-)

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