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RE: [DL] Funeral (Book o' the Dead?) (Mild Spoilers)

--- Allan Seyberth <darious@darious.com> wrote:
> I might start making the Blessed take a free Hindrance along those lines
> - 
> night terrors, or ailin, or something like that.  Sort of a if the
> Powers 
> that Be open a channel to their servants, that channel can also be used
> by 
> the bad guys.  A "with great power comes great suffering" idea, or even
> a 
> pre-emptive "if you gaze into the abyss, note that the abyss also gazes 
> into you.".
> Craft, cards or clergy - nobody rides for free.

Is it not true, though, that the reason the Blessed have no backlash and
whatnot is that their miracles' energy, though originating in the Hunting
Grounds, is transmitted from the Hunting Grounds via a /safe/ channel?

This is what F&B says, if I'm not mistaken, though GD has a contradictory
statement about the Blessed's power coming directly from the deities in
question. Since F&B is the source for info on the Blessed, I'm inclined to
lean in that direction, and your description sounds like you do, too.

Not that this isn't a good idea, of course, and can't still be justified.
I'm all for mayhem and suffering. Perhaps the Hindrance is due to the
Blessed's "spiritual sensitivity" in general.

Or just leave it like you have it. I'm not trying to make trouble. :-)


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