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Re: [DL] Crying posse (Black Chip debate)

Hey There,




>A couple of sessions ago I ran Night Train. We all know how that goes. Well my posse earned a Black Chip.
Haven't read where the black chip was an official PEG add on for there RPG Lines. I think it is an interesting idea but it is not used by me and my groups other marshals.
I think, IMHO that the game is sort of stacked against the player to a degree. In combat, the marshal gets to draw extra chips when he gets certain cards plus when the party draws the black joker. As a marshal I enjoy this fact. As a player it is part and parcel of the game.
I remember playing that adventure as a Indian Warrior Shaman and I have to tell you that it was one of the most memorable adventures we played.

>They didn't know they earned one until they drew it.
If the party knew that you where using black chips then they should have realized that it was possible to get one for walking away or blowing up the people instead of saving them.
If they didn't know you were using it you should have made it known at the beginning of your campaign. When I run something, from a small adventure to a large campaign I always clarify to the party what I am or will not use in that game. There are several reasons, many of which come back to not being surprised.
Does anyone in the party have heroic as a disadvantage? If so, did you warn them that it was not a very heroic thing to just run away.
The flip of that coin is, if no one had heroic or similar disadvantages, what was there to entice the party to help these people.
Saving there own skins against something they couldn't kill (in their own minds or as fact) sounds like a good reason to run away.
It sounds to me like there may have been a bit of a communications breakdown between the marshal and the party.  
>Usually a good bunch. Anyway, did I sound out of line or to harsh? Does anyone have something similar? Thought, concerns, questions?

I would be concerned that the posse is going to take this personally. You need to mend any ill will quickly or it could have an effect down the road. Some of these adventures are tough. Some require veteran players or characters to accomplish. The Night Train is among those that you don't want to put a new group through. If it was an older group, Live and Learn.
Perhaps have the train run into the party again and give them a chance to redeem themselves now that they have learned in character what they need to do to destroy the evil.
Just some humble opinions,