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Re: [DL] Fortress O' Fear

> Greetings Listers!
> Any Marshal's out there that ran the Heart O' Darkness 
> trilogy, got to the
> last book (Fortress O' Fear), and decided to plug in their 
> own crunchy bits?

Sorry I've been on holiday - so I'm a little late in replying to emails
- but yep - I ran the first two parts and then ditched the third
completely and rewrote it to suit my posse.  I'll add in a spolier
warning just in case there are any details that prove sensitive


In my game there is only one Stone and Jackie Wells never appeared and
thus no time travel - I do not plan to use HOE. I have explanations for
the two Stone's in Heart O'Darkness and I can provide this if anyone is
interested.  The explanation requires some rewriting of the background
story for the Heart O'Darkness - but the actual adventure can be run as
written.  My rewritten ending of the Fortress of Fear ties together
some character background plots and so pulls in some NPC's that I use
in my campaign.

- Stone's mission is now to take the Heart to his masters rather than
Devil's Tower
- To do this Stone needs to get into the hunting grounds, however he
has a few problems here in that he doesn't want to stay close to Grimme
and also he needs some link to the hunting grounds in order to pass
- Just so happens that the Reckoners have provided an access for him by
way of Fellheimers Folly (from ToT)
- Fellheimer is dead yet curiously still alive somehow, providing a
link between worlds (or at least that's my reasoning).
- With some tracking an investigation my posse trailed Stone to
Fellheimer's Folly - but where Stone ghosted in - they encounter a
bunch of Pinkertons who aren't too happy about neighbours.
- My group went all sneaky to get past the Pinkertons and gain access
to the rock on which Fellheimer has been sacrificed - they go down into
his mine and discover caves below the mine.
- The caves below the mine hold the ancient paintings of one of the
lost tribes of Indians wiped out by the white men.
- Here they find that the angry Spirits have trapped on of Raven's band
of Lost Son's (he is the last member of the lost tribe and the spirits
aren't happy that he hasn't kept up the bargain to maintain the
- The posse rescue him and he in turn transports them to the Hunting
Grounds - using Fellheimers body as a focus.

The next bit will involve them entering the hunting grounds.  From
there, following Stone into the Deadlands, and finally to them
confronting him and destroying the diamond (however not all of the
posse want it destroyed - so that should be interesting).  I'm being
deliberately vague on this section as my group have not reached here
yet - and I don't like posting stuff that they haven't done yet as they
are notorious for reading things that they shouldn't.  However Jeff (or
anyone else for that matter) if you'd like some more details - send me
an email privately and I'll pass on what I have.

Anyway that's what my posse are up to, I hope it is of some help.

I do have plans to put up the modifications I've done to the adventure
on a web site - eventually.



PS - Two of my group discussed at length whether they'd be quicker to
blow out the windows in the cathedral with dynamite and go through
them, or whether they'd be quicker just running for the main entrance. 
In the end they decided to go for the main entrance - preserving the
cathedral for another day.  How boring!

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