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Re: [DL] Vet of the West

Our gaming group has always used the Veteran
edge/hindrance to mean that you have faced one or (at
the MOST) two fear-mongers. Most everyone in our group
writes up a background and details exactly how they
acquired the skills and hindrance from the Vet card
pull. Having a Grit of 1 doesn't make you an expert on
abominations and hucksters.

It sounds to me like your players are abusing their
player knowledge (otherwise known as out-of-character
knowledge). I would suggest creating some unique
monsters to throw them a curve ball, and penalize
anyone who uses player knowledge to their own

--- carl smith <fishhook79@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Some players have been bringing up that they are
> Veterans of the west and this automatically entitles
> them to info regarding any problem they may be
> facing.
> "I am a vet of course I would know so and so is a
> huckster"
> "I am a vet, I would have encountered prairie ticks
> before"
> "I am a vet, of course <insert just about anything
> you can think of here>"
> My solution to this problem has been this.  Whatever
> your knowledge: home area is, will let you get a
> roll as to weather or not you may have encountered
> or been around enough to learn about something from
> that area.  This way someone from the Maze cannot
> say that they would know all about windego's,
> prairie ticks, and Hanging judges just because he is
> a vet.  After all you only get 1 point of grit. 
> Some of the things they ask for or assume they know
> is something that someone with 5+ grit would know or
> have some knowledge (at best) about it.
> With that said I want to hear from the rest of you
> about what you consider too much info based on Vet
> of the west, or ways to cap it.  
> ---------------------------------
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