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[PyrNet-L] Kelp for Snow Nose

Back to an old subject discussed.  Hadn't forgotten but just been
busy.  Finally called my homeopathic/holistic vet on question on kelp
and a few other questions.  She hadn't heard of it being used for
snow nose.  She did say that you do have to be careful not to overdue
and give too much of the brand of kelp giving as there are so many
brands and types out there with different measurements on the iodine
level.  Giving too much can affect the thyroid function. Otherwise,
as long as careful about that can be given.  

Probably best to consult a vet before giving so get the dosage 

Janice, janices@texas.net
Admiral & Linsey (newfs), Bianca & Sonny (pyrs)  
Leander, TX
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