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Re: [PyrNet-L] Re:French vs US & UK Pyrs

Magic Moment wrote:
> > >         The Kuvas head is very chiseled and the eyes are more round and
> > > do not have the "expression" that the pyr posseses....
> >
> > I have to disagree with you on that one.  I have pyrs and my best freind
> > breeds Kuvasz, and yes the eyes are similar.  But the skull is more
> > narrow and more refined without a stop than the pyr.
> >
> > And there are some breeders in Michigan that have a more refined head on
> > there Pyrs that resemble a Kuvasz.
> >
> >
> I agree with Susan. I would also like to add that those same Pyrs in MI
> are also on the light boned side and look more like Kuvaz.
> Lisa

Light boned does not mean Kuvas.  The Pyr should not be heavy boned no 
more than the Kuvas should be light.  Infact the Kuvas is a HEAVIER dog 
than the Pyr...so I would suspect it should have more bone.
The Pyr should be a tall elegant dog, the bones should be oval, not 
round or square...
The two breeds do look simialr...all of the "large white" guardian 
breeds do...it is the subtle differences in the head and size that 
seperate them....
Also the pyr has double dew claws and the Kuvas does not...

The head of the Kuvas is actually larger than that of the 
pyr...accpording to the standard, if I remeber correctly, it should be 
at least half as long as the dog is tall.....


Adrienne Wilder  www.stc.net/~draggon/index.htm (pet portraits)
Murrayville GA

"Oh, to be loved by a dog!"

Home of:
The golden gang,
Patou and the evil sister geese.
and many stray cats.