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Re: [PyrNet-L] Judges / Standards

>In a message dated 98-04-27 10:32:24 EDT, Joe Gentzel wrote:
><< Judges need to be educated more but, that will take time. >>
>I know AKC provides Judges education seminars.  However, how can we as owners,
>exhibitors, and breeders help further their education?
>Lara Spears
>Fayetteville, GA 

The Great Pyrenees Club of America is responsible for judges' education.
That committee asks long-time Pyr people to act as "mentors" to educate
judges and judges-to-be in their area.  I think that Ruth Marcy (list
member) was in charge of the mentor program. Ruth had some trouble
resubscribing after the National...are you there Ruth?
