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Re: [PyrNet-L] Girl that was bit

Sue433@aol.com wrote:
> Your not saying that all male dogs should not be around children are you?,  I
> have had 3 Pyrs, two have since passed away, and i now have another male, I
> have never had any of my males show any signs of any aggression towards
> children, as a matter of fact just the contrary, they are ever forgiving of
> small children, (I have two, and theyre friends are always here) I dont think
> it comes down to making such a broad generalization as saying a male dog
> shouldnt have been with children, it takes someone, whether the dog be male or
> female, training it properly to know its place around children and how to act
> appropriately.....Sue

You are one of the lucky ones then, I know too many male pyrs that do
not like children and NO they did not come from Bad breeders, or Bad
parents.  They are from some of the top breeders in the country.  These
males just don't tolerate children of any age.  My bitch and others that
I've seen, think children are wonderful.  When I'm at a show with one of
my boys and a child comes up to me, I am always well aware of what my
dog is doing.  The look in my dog's eyes are always "get me away from
this kid".  

Some people say that its different when a male pyr is raised with small
children, that the males tend to bond more than a female would.  But
then again look what happens, a child gets bit.  Just because a male pyr
bites a child or anyone, does not mean that the parents of this male pyr
were bad.  When are people going to stop putting blame always on the
sire and dam.  It could be that this dog was not obedience trained, or
taught what and what not to do.  I think that this topic as run its
course.  I think that people are starting to blame others who are
voicing their opinion on why this dog bites and what to do with him.