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Re: [PyrNet-L] hip dysplasia

> << I am an australian shepherd breeder and this is my first pyr, so I was
> wondering how common of a problem subluxation is in pyrs?  >>
> Not very, but I am sure you know that sublux can appear from imprecise
> positioning in the X-ray.

Joe is right here - but some lines have more incedence of sublux than
others. Poor Xray positioning can make even an orthopedically sound dog
look like they have a problem as can too much anesthetic. Personally, I
would continue showing and wait to reXray until the dog has finnished
growing. I do give allot of credit for holding off putting him into a
breeding program until he is passed on his hips.

I just recently had one of my puppies(well, he's over 2 now<G>) redone,
this is one of my pets that I placed, he showed a subluxation on both
sides and one hip didn't look so great when he was neutered at 7 months.
The owners did all the common sense things for over a year with him -
his OFA Xray is now on it's way with my vet's blessing that they look
excellent and there is no subluxation. This is a very large male - grew
to 31" at the shoulder. My vet(Xray specialist) feels that it was the
stage of growth the bone3s were in the first time.