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Re: [PyrNet-L] Flock Guardian Pyr Problem

This is not the popular attitude to take, but I for one really do want to
know what caused the bite in the first place.  Too many dogs period, are
getting put down for biting, with no consideration as to why?  Any dog
can bite, good or bad, so that WHY is important!  A dog bites once and
gets put down, a human slaughters a dozen people and gets to sit on death
row for 20 years appealing.  A little more compassion for the animals
please!  After all, dogs are the product of our making, and they only try
to manage in the screwed up human world!  Sounded to me, like the woman
didn't listen to instructions provided for her own safety, not that the
dog ran out to attack her without provocation.  I don't know what will
happen on this, but I know that it really bothers me how easily we kill
dogs without just cause, and a bite is not always just cause, especially
if for some reason, he thought he was defending person or place.  Guilty
of bad judgement maybe, but death?
Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
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