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Re: [PyrNet-L] Chilling Out

In a message dated 12/21/98 10:48:39 AM Pacific Standard Time,
clhenke@juno.com writes:

<<   Since you mentioned it all, does anyone
 know what the true  meaning of the season is?  >>

  My wreath and favorite pin and one year cards I handmade said "Jesus Is The
Reason For The Season" !!   (Yet in all honesty Jesus was probably not born at
what we celebrate as Christmastime. But that is when Christians have decided
to celebrate his birth!)  I have many dear friends and relatives of many
different religions and a few Atheists and Agnostics, too.  Fascinating to
learn more about different religions and views. The main thing I feel is to
concentrate on the things that unite us and not those things that divide us.
  (Although you'd hardly guess that from the many debates we have on the
lists, huh?? And I mean myself here, too!)
   And me and my pyr are going out to chill out outside in the 3 inches of
gorgeous snow outside!!  It is 19 degrees F here now!  And 3 degrees at local
ski area!

:)  &  :)```  (me grinning & Albert grinning & drooling!)

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.

Janice Vocke