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[PyrNet-L] Re: Size

Like many of you I have enjoyed this line very much, and I will risk asking
a somewhat provoking question: Why do you focus only on size (or lack of
it) when discussing the type of the American pyrenees. While I have a
personally preference for a tall dog, there are so many other things to
look at. Yesterday I had a look at most of the pictures of the winning dogs
from your national, which has recently come up at the net, and while all
the dogs looked well-build with lovely coat and well presented, most of
them seem to me to have square heads. This may not be quite fair, as all
dogs are presented in profile, so it is not possible to see their
expression, but allthough some were obviously better than others, not once
did I think: "wouw, this dog  has a lovely head", and how can type be
correct without a correct head. For me this is one of the main differences
I see in the winning pyrs in France and USA, not that all the french pyrs
have it, but the best does, and these dogs were supposed to be the best in
America. I have seen pictures of American pyrs on the net and in books,
that I liked a lot better than most of these winning dogs, so maybe the
problem is with the judges.

I will be donning my safety helmet and wait for you to shoot back at me.

Lene Nielsen