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[PyrNet-L] Re: Snakes

Martha, according to my epidemiologist cousin, rats and mice rarely
actually carry rabies.  Evidently because they usually get eaten rather
than just contaminated by the disease.  Plus their life spans are short
with fast turn overs.  Most people think otherwise, but evidently they
are not big carriers of the disease.  I would find myself questioning the
mouse story.  Our Vet. tells us to keep the indoor cats vaccinated
because of bats getting in the house (?? )  I am sure it could happen,
but I have never had it happen.  I keep my animals vaccinated because it
is good practice.  But  I like to be careful in passing information. 
Also, all snakes do rodent control, I'd hate to see folks out shooting
snakes in a big way, that's a scary thought.  Texas is known for it's
rattlers, but ( knock wood ) we've never had a problem getting on with
any of the snakes.  We get lots of bull or chicken snakes ( big fellows,
some up to 4' ) and we just grab them and move them.  My daughter is
especially good at this!

No flame here....just another way to think of things!

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

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