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Re: [PyrNet-L] Bitiing

We had the same problem with Kira so I would give her my had to bite,
the whole hand in the mouth. As I do not believe in hitting and animal
we had to learn other ways of control. Some of my guys over the years
would stop the minute we would scream and act like we were hurt and play
like we would cry. Ouch was our favorite to say to them and it did take
a little time but as in all things with kids they get it eventually. I
would say don't stop trying to work it out of yours as this could lead
to bigger problems at a later date. I have to agree with not giving a
toy and water will I don't think this is the answer as the words should
come from you and the less tools you us I feel will give you more
control. As in every thing ,we learn as we go along and take in a
thought or two from others but in the end we have to work out what is
best for us and our guys. Don't be afraid to try things just think some
of them out first, ask for and opinion and give it your best shot and
remember it takes time. That's how we all learn.
Dan R

Merrilie wrote:

>  Sam is 2 1/2 mos....... and at the rate he's going, will be lucky to
> see 3 mos! (JUST KIDDING!)  He continually bites my knees, legs, feet
> when I am walking--- and does this when he is on the leash as well.  I
> know he is playing, and wants to play... I have tried just standing
> still until it passes, but the minute I start moving, he's right
> there--- and those pupy teeth are SHARP! Then I stop, ignore him, he
> goes away, comes right back the minute I move. I have tried to
> distract him with toys, anything. I finally flicked his nose with my
> finger- said NO in a stern voice--- he looked at me and stopped---
> only to start in about 10 mins later!  I have told him to sit, no
> help.  We are working on STAY, but so far, have gotten no where with
> that...... he is STUBBORN! Potty training is going better---as his
> bladder gets bigger.  Any suggestions for this biting- short of filing
> his puppy teeth so they aren't so sharp??????????? Haha.. works on the
> claws..:)Merrilie