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Re: [PyrNet-L] What happened

In a message dated 99-07-27 22:36:06 EDT, you write:

<< I know animal grieve and I think they understand death-to some extent. >>

How true!  Last year my Father died.  When he first went into hospital, 
Candy, my parents pyr, would look for him to come home everyday when my 
Mother came back from visiting him.  When he passed away, and Mother stopped 
going to the hospital, Candy would still looked for him to come home.  
Shortly there after, Candy developed chronic vomiting, wouldn't eat, and had 
diarrhea.  Our vet really couldn't find anything "wrong" with her, and the 
only thing he could think of, after quite a few tests, was that Candy was 
grieving for my Dad.  She hasn't had any episodes like this one since.  But 
believe me, she stays glued to my Mother!
