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Re: [PyrNet-L] Barking

Don't have much to add, Mary--she'll probably continue to bark! We have
the same problem with our two--if one isn't barking, the other probably
will start! Some of it is boredom, if I haven't managed to get them out
for a walk. Paddington is generally amenable to the threat of having to
come in--it usually works for a while, because with the cooler weather, he
loves to hang out in his sandbox. He understands perfectly "do you want to
have to come in?" Ivy Rose is a different story--once she gets going,
there's no stopping her *except* to bring her inside. We live in an urban
neighborhood so have just learned to keep an ear attuned to their barking
escalating to the nuisance level. Our neighbors are generally very good,
even appreciate the warning function of the barking. I wouldn't use a
shock collar, although I might be tempted to try one of those that
releases a citrus odor. Problem is, Ivy would probably like it!
Ann, Peg, Paddington and Ivy Rose