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Re: [PyrNet-L] Pyrenees en Guarde!

Bev -

Just a quick note...

Beverly Coate wrote:
>     Yes, they are this is one of the reasons I worry so much about the breed
> as a whole being changed by the showing.  I have already seen enough to know
> we are slowly changing to a less disease resistant, but prettier dog.  I
> can't get over how many people want to change them from what they are to
> something they would like for them to be.  These people don't seem to
> understand these dogs became what they are by the "survival of the fittest",
> not because the shepherd pump medications in them to keep them around to
> raise more puppies.
> >

I understand your concern, but take heart.  I'll grant that while
breeding to an appearance standard can have dire, unintended
consequences (proving once and for all that beauty is only skin deep) -
it seems unlikely that it would be as easy to impact the immune system
of an animal.  (Since these genes are probably highly conserved.)

It would seem more likely that disease resistance is being impacted by
environmental factors - and a good possibility (which I just learned
from your message) is the lack of carrion in their diet.  (Since it's
probable that people breeding pretty dogs would turn green watching them
eat a dead sheep.)

Probably their immune system requires a certain amount of challenge
(especially a young dog) to develop properly (you can bet eating dead
animals provides that challenge) - without the challenge (therefore
development) they are less able to handle even normal infectious agents.

Now that I've gone out on a limb - please take it easy responding, I'm
such a sensitive guy... <g>
