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[PyrNet-L] lost dog

This is with a heavy heart and through tears that I ask anyone who lives 
near Peyton or Calhan, CO to be on the look out for my darling dog BEAR.  
The jerky 16 year old (going on 8) stepson let him get away from here while 
I was working tonight (Wednesday). He said he tied him up outside for 5 
minutes and then he was gone.. Of course he managed to leave without the 
leash. He has a chip and tags. White all over with tan on his head. He is 
medium size nd weiths only 110 lbs. I've been riding around for 2 hours 
calling and looking and it is 10:30 now and no sight of him. Don't know what 
the first thing I should do tomorrow is. I will put an ad in the paper and 
call the vets and the rescue. Does anyone have any other suggestions?? I can 
just imagine him marching along exploring everything...Without a thought 
about where he was going or trying to remember how to get back. Do they ever 
come home on their own??  This is miserable and my husband is out of town 
and unreachable until I pick him up at the airport tomorrow. The bratty kid 
didn't even say he was sorry. I just can't believe he isn't here.
Thanks for the shoulder to cry on.  Deanna
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