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Re: [pyrnet] glucosamine

<<Caveat, some are not comfortable with chondroitin, fearing

Hadn't heard this, but I do know that chondroitin can have some mild blood
thinning properties.  Not generally a problem unless you/your dog has a
condition that makes it a problem (did that come out right? :-/).  Something
to be aware of anyway.

I am so sorry to hear about your cat.  It is soooo hard when they leave us.
We are on a bit of a countdown with one of my parents cats at the moment.
Pokey is 23 years old and starting to go downhill.  The heat in Qld (where
my folks live) is starting to affect her so I don't think she will see out
the year somehow.  Hard to think of the old biddy not there as she has been
there since I was about 10.  (For those interested, Pokey has eaten raw meat
most of her life and was a pretty avid hunter on our property as well ;-) ).
When she goes there will just be the Kitten left.  The 'Kitten' is 21.  I
just hope she copes without her buddy of so many years.

Tracy Bassett
Canberra, Australia
visit my webpage at http://members.dynamite.com.au/espinay/index.htm