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Re: [pyrnet] HELP -- Need fencing advice

I've got 6-ft wooden fencing, no spacing between boards.  Gate has 
regular latch on the outside and inside has slide latches top and 
bottom and they stay locked.  I think chain link is a bad idea also.  
My neighbors' dogs would be constantly starting fights if they could 
see my dogs and it's easier to climb chain link for some dogs and 
easier to push out the chain link.  I haven't had a dog get out of the 
6-ft wooden yet by pushing a gate out or hitting and breaking a 
fence.  Newfs are pretty strong and I had one male newf who hit the 
fence a number of times at my old place chasing cats out of the 
yard and broke it a number of times but never got through the 
wooden fence.  I just reinforced the break points and replaced 
boards and it was fine .  Also had him jump and hook but couldn't 
get over the 6-ft wooden.  I'd hate to see what he could have done 
to a chain link.  

Janice, janices@austin.rr.com
Lana & Linsey (newfs), Sonny (pyr)  
Hutto, TX