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Re(2): [pyrnet] scaredy Pyr???

pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org writes:
>He has been extremely well socialized and up
>until a month ago nothing scared him.
Jasmine, I remember reading in puppy books about dogs going through
periodic "fear periods" when you'll get that kind of behavior
periodically. If I remember correctly, the right response is to not make a
big deal out of it--be neither consoling nor harsh--but just let him know
that you're not worried about whatever it is and this period will pass.
Others may have more to offer on this--Paddington was never afraid of
anything until we lost Shelley when he was about three, then he went
through a week or so of being quite insecure and uncertain about things.
We didn't realize till then how much she'd mothered him (Shelley joined us
as a 4 yr old adult when Paddy was 18 months.) Seamus will probably move
right out of it again.
Ann, Peg, Paddington and Ivy Rose