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Re: [pyrnet] Pyr Chow

----- Original Message -----
From: "Barb Bowes" <bamb@monmouth.com>

I like what I feed, and have
stuck with it. The dogs are happy and healthy and are, so far,
living beyond the average age for Pyrs. For which I am
exceedingly grateful.>>

Now, there is the real key to all of this and why all of these "debates" (
which this is not) are doomed to become noisy and irrationality.  Everybody
has an agenda around food.  It's the biggest hot button on dog lists.  We're
having one right now on Vetpet.

Like Barb, my dogs are happy, healthy and clearly for generations live well
beyond the "average" ( which is a tricky concept in and of itself).  And I
have never hedged a bet.  But, as Barb observes, these are not dogs with
unknown genetics.  Longevity in good health is one of my highest
requirements in the dogs I breed and in the dogs I acquire.
