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Re: [pyrnet] Teenage dogs

I had to laugh when I read this.  My girls are getting better, Pooh has stopped digging (for now).  However they have increased their barking (to my husbands delight :( he is not a happy camper when I leave, they bark even more).  They bark for any and all reasons.  Thank goodness it is winter and the campground is closed.  What I will do come May, I have no idea....  Maybe they will have barked themselves hoarse...
Heidi in NY
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 10:42 PM
Subject: [pyrnet] Teenage dogs

At 12:01 AM 12/07/2001 -0500, you wrote:

Rhonda Collins wrote:<<Why IS it that I can take him places where there are scads of people and animals and he minds (for the most part) fairly well, but in class he forgets everything and suddenly becomes hearing disabled?>>
LOL! Because he's a Pyr! Pyrs LIVE to embarrass us in obedience classes. And how old is Newman again? Sounds like he might be entering his "teenage" phase. Lucky you. <G>