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[pyrnet] My beautiful boy is gone

It is with much sorrow and a pain which sears through my soul that I must
tell you that we had to release our beautiful boy Beau to the bridge.

He had what we thought was a nosebleed a couple of months ago. We took him
to the vet and they gave him a shot of vitamin K and some vitamin K tablets.
I had a bad feeling back then. But I prayed I was wrong. And that nothing
was seriously wrong.

He started to bleed from the nose again early this evening. We could not
staunch it. And my husband took him to the vet for another shot. Once he was
at the vet it became quite evident that he was in very grave condition. The
vet told me what was wrong and what was happening. I asked her to wait and
let me get there to be with him.

When I got there Beau tried to get to his feet and come to me. But he had
been sedated and I urged him to lie down and rest. I could tell he was very
ill. He was bleeding from his nose. But it was coming from deep in his
chest. His liver functions were screwed up. He was in liver and circulatory
collapse. And I couldn't stand to see him suffer so. We held him and told
him how much he was loved. And that he was a good, good dog. And how much we
would miss our big boy. And then we released him to the bridge.

It is funny the things that are so insignificant but that mean so much. The
comfort of hearing his claws come clicking down the hall. Turning in a big
circle. And then doing what we called his (patented pyr plop) on to the hall
floor. His exasperated sigh when he didn't get his way. The goofy grin on
his face in one of his rare puppyish moments when he would romp and play. I
will miss him so much more then I can say or express.  My heart is broken
and my soul weeps.
Marie McFarland
GA Representative
Pyrangel Rescue Network