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[pyrnet] training brags (?)

Sounds like Newman's doing really well, Rhonda. Would second Barb's
suggestion about "off"--we find it very useful, although not 100%
effective when there's something interesting outside and the couch is oh
so-o-o convenient!
Last night in class, Tori actually remained in a down/stay while I walked
around the room! This is *such* an achievement for this shy, scared girl.
She's been very reluctant to go into a "down" at all in class--too many
"threats" all around to be that vulnerable! At one point during last
night's class, the trainer had us leave them on a sit/stay (remarkably,
this is easier for her--the fear thing) and go behind a door in the corner
of the room very briefly. Tori managed that pretty well too, but some time
later, when it was time for a break, she made a beeline for that door to
see what was behind it that had everyone going over there! I think it's
this insatiable curiosity that makes it possible to work with her at all.
Ann, Peg, Ivy Rose and Tori