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Re: [WW] Weird Wars Problems - Savage Worlds - D20 Modern

At 08:31 PM 10/7/02 -0400, Cpt. Canuck you wrote:
>The main rulebook...  Not including the Pilot was kind've poor IMO.  The
>back cover should have mentioned that the game requires all three core
>D20 books.  The reference tables in the back are NOT photocopy friendly
>(black background should have been white with black print).  I also
>think they should have included a little "Guns for dummies" information
>for people who want to play but don't know a fig about guns.  We don't
>all live in downtown Detroit ;)

This is pretty much a matter of "do your own research if you want to know 
more." When I buy a rpg book, I am paying for the stats on how the items 
within interact with the game mechanics, not a series of essays on the 
why's of how they work. Do I need to see an essay on sword forging in the 
PHB to use a sword in my campaign? No. If you want to know more about the 
weapons, the methods of their operation, how they're made, etc., visit your 
local library or join the Military Book Club, but don't fill up an rpg book 
with this kind of tripe, especially considering how easy this kind of stuff 
is to find on the net as well.

Steven "Conan" Trustrum
   Email: steven@trustrum.com
   Homepage: http://www.trustrum.com
"The only real people are the people that never existed"     -- Oscar Wilde