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Re: [werewolf] Turn numbering & such

Does anyone else want to comment on this issue? I feel like I'm hogging the debate, which wasn't my intention.

I don't see why my suggestion of splitting off howls/contracts/meetings would require votes and chats to be seperated. Although I like having "vote" and "chat" in the title, personally, even if they're counted together. But why would what I suggested require them to be seperated as such? I must be missing something here.

Mark Ballinger wrote:

This still leaves the votes and chats separated from each other, does it not? Will we have to do something like:

Werewolf Board 2 (06.050) Chat from incyr **
Werewolf Board 2 (06.051) Vote from incyr **

We could then smarten up the inbound message processing to drop the parens and contents and drop "Board" and replace it with the command after the parens.

I'd also have a settable option to turn off the numbering.