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Re: [PyrNet-L] CHAT: Summer clip

Michaelene,  I have a Shih-Tzu with the Pyrs., and have always kept her
in full coat I do trim over her nose a little, as she refuses to keep her
top knot tied back.  I really get so annoyed with people telling me " Oh
your must spend so much time to keep her that way " or " I am far too
busy to mess with all that hair ".  Truth is, 10 minutes a day with a
slicker brush is all it takes, five if your in a real rush.  I finally
started snapping back that if you don't have ten minutes to spend with
your dog a day, why do you even have them?  So I agree with you about
coated animals vrs. smooth coat breeds.  I've already been accused of
having my Pyrs. too " puffy fru-fru " because I run the brush over them
too.  Even with that stage of pup to adult coat shedding it takes about
20 min to run through the four every few days.  I sincerely hope to keep
that coat, I know Texas heat is hard on them, but I would prefer not to
shave.  Heck, when they come out of the swimming pool they look lanky and
houndy!  I used to groom dogs when I lived in Michigan, and I agree that
it does affect the coat.  You made a good point!  Cindy.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

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