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Re: [PyrNet-L] Westminster

----- Original Message -----
From: MagicMoment <magicm@ameritech.net>
To: <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2000 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: [PyrNet-L] Westminster

> > >
> > > OK: Here it comes. My suggestion as to "what's the answer to this."
> >
> > In the interest of "Saving All Purebred Dogs": I propose a MORATOREUM,
> > The Almighty Show Ring.
> >
> Terry - I don't think you are nuts and I like your idea but, a
> moratorium on the show ring won't
> do it - there is many a person out in that ring that has no intention of
> breeding. To the best of my
> knowledge, there are top winning show dogs that were never bred.
> In some countries, they have to have their kennel club approval for
> breeding - this could eliminate allot right there, Unfortunately, the
> power of money will still rule. Maybe they should look at people's
> finical
> records when they do inspections of records as well because I still work
> with the philosophy that I was taught by a now deceased long time
> breeder - "if you make money breeding and showing, your doing something
> wrong"
> Lisa
 Thank you for your support. I am awaiting a detailed response from Kelly,
and so far at least the two of you don"t think that I am off base in my
serious concern about this issue(crisis?) in the world of purebred dogs.
Perhaps there are others who would care to contribute to this discussion?

Terry Rickert in Connecticut