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Re: [pyrnet] Zack -- throwing up

Zack seems better this morning -- although still tired.  And once I turned
the AC on he came right up the steps and sat at the door to be let in.

Thanks for the recipe -- if he keeps it up I will try it.  Loose stools have
not been a problem.  Out vet put them on Science Diet  diet as they are/were
over weight and we mix it half and half (per discussion with the vet) with
Natural Choice diet -- but both are designed for reduce stools and the dogs
were straining so now we give them each a table spoon of pure psyllium husks
and soak the food with two - three cups water.  That seems to work .  Of
course, each dog gets something different added.. they all get garlic and
brewers yeast, but Casey likes veggies so she get canned green beans, Maude
needs more fat so she get pork rinds -- hey she will eat them, and  Zack
gets sweet peas!  I understand the 6am routine my alarm goes off at 5 and
the day begins -- But I don't think I would be wild about meeting a mess
first thing .. yuck

Question -- no rinse shampoo?  do they have to be soaked to use it -- can I
use it to Spot clean the "kids". Please tell me more..
My dogs are not fond of water.  I took them to the river and they sat on the
rocks and looked at me.  Except Maude.  The Golden half took over and she
was a wet happy dervish.  Casey and Zack -- looked at her and looked at each
other and said -- "Well you can tell she comes from the wrong side of the
bed!"   LOL

Thanks for your help